
Archive for November, 2014

  • Entrepreneurship, The New Retirement, Ireland Vs. USA

    At its most basic level, an Entrepreneur is an individual who organises and manages any enterprise with considerable initiative and risk. Typically, when modern society depicts an Entrepreneur, one of the first characteristics that it portrays is youth. But not everyone is 19 in a Harvard dorm room one day and becomes the world’s youngest billionaire 4 years later. For every teenage Zuckerberg and his Facebook, there is an over 50’s Pemberton and his French Wine Coca, or as the world knows it today, Coca-Cola. Older Entrepreneurship USA Vs. Ireland The highest rate of entrepreneurial activity in the past 10 years in the USA has been among 55 to 64 year olds. More than 1 in 3 new businesses were started by an Entrepreneur aged 50 plus....